How to Un Picky Your Picky Eater

How to Un Picky Your Picky Eater

Hosted by: Christine Miroddi Yoder

Is your child a picky eater? Maybe they are fussy about trying new foods or actually have a fear of trying new foods. In this podcast, we learn tips and strategies on how to get your picky eaters enjoying mealtimes by...


How To Empower Kids: 6 Strategies on How To Have Fun Serving Food

This episode, and really this month, is all about fun! For me, summer is all about fun, fun, and more fun! Anyone with a picky eater knows food and mealtimes are not fun at ALL. I will show you some strategies to...
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Ask Me Anything

In this episode, I answer questions that people had for me. The questions I answer today are: 1. HOW DO I DETACH FROM THE OUTCOME? 2. WHAT IS A REASONABLE GOAL TO START WITH 3. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TIP TO MAKE FOOD...
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What To Do When Your Child Is Afraid To Try New Food

Do your kids run away at the sight of new food? Are you tired of the picky eating habits? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Our latest episode is all about conquering food fears in kids. We understand that it can...
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Is Fear Holding You Back From Making Progress?

We are back! We took a short trip so I wasn't on last week. This month we are talking about fear and how it can hold us back from our kids making progress. That's right! Our own emotions as parents can affect how our...
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5 Tips For What To Do When They ”Don’t Like The Taste”

In today's episode, we really go into that age old saying our picky eaters love to say "I don't like it!" I get asked a lot about what to do when kids say they don't like how something tastes. Parents I hear you! Of...
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Picky Eating and Gut Health: An Interview with Greer McGuinness

In this episode we chat with Greer McGuinness MS, RD, CLT, DT.SP., CMH, CLP from Biomedical Healing for Kids to talk about the huge impact the gut has on our brain, how it may be contributing or causing your picky...
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Why You Need To Talk To Your Kids About Food

In this episode we talk about why you should talk to your kids about food and how! Don’t forget to find me on instagram at @foodology_feeding Thanks so much for joining...
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7 Ways To Add In Nutrients That Will Go Unnoticed

In this episode we talk about changing the way you cook to add in more nutrients! It's not really about sneaking in foods when your child isn't looking-- it's about viewing your meals as an opportunity to make them...
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Vitamin Deficiency and Picky Eating

In this episode we dive into the impacts of vitamin deficiency in picky eating and how vitamin deficiency can lead to MORE picky eating! Don’t forget to find me on instagram at...
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The Speech and Feeding Connection

In this episode we chat about speech and how it relates to feeding. Don’t forget to find me on instagram at @foodology_feeding_therapy Thanks so much for...
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The Sleeping and Feeding Connection

In this episode we talk more about oral motor and the connection between the mouth, sleep, and eating food! It's a really interesting topic I knew nothing about a few years about, but it completely changed my life! I...
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Tongue Ties and Picky Eating

In this episode we dive into the controversy and history between tongue ties and picky eating. Is it a passing fad? Or here to stay? Don’t forget to find me on instagram at @foodology_feeding_therapy ...
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