Unpacking ARFID And Other Common Feeding Terms

Season #2 Episode #8

Ever find yourself puzzled by the terms ARFID, Pediatric Feeding Disorder, food aversion, and plain old picky eating? You're not alone (Even the professionals are confused!). We'll explore what makes each one special and why sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. I'll also share why I think it's more important to help with the eating problems than to worry about the names. Join us as we clarify common misconceptions, discuss why the focus should shift from labels to symptoms, and offer insights on the most effective approaches to support and treatment. Whether you're a concerned parent, a curious professional, or just someone interested in the psychology of eating, this episode will equip you with a deeper understanding and a new perspective on addressing feeding issues.


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Thank you for joining me once again for another engaging episode! If you found value in today's content, I'd love to hear about it from you.

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Explore our website, www.foodologyfeeding.com, for virtual parent courses, and more resources to assist your picky eater.

Check out my books on Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠, and Food Explorer's Log Book

Appreciate your continued support! Looking forward to having you with me again next week!

Warm regards, Christine