Why the Order You Work on Things is Important

Season #3

In this episode, Christine Miroddi Yoder explains why the order in which you approach feeding challenges matters. Many parents try different strategies without success, often because they’re starting at the wrong point. Christine shares an example of a child with oral motor difficulties whose primary issue was actually fear of putting anything in his mouth. Addressing oral motor skills first wouldn’t have worked because the child needed a mindset shift before anything else. She emphasizes that foundational issues—whether sensory sensitivities, gut health, or past negative experiences—must be tackled in the right sequence to see progress. If therapy isn’t working, it may be because it's targeting skills that are too advanced for the child’s current level. Christine likens this to learning to ski—starting on a difficult slope can be overwhelming, while beginning on an easier one builds confidence and success. The Unlocking Mealtimes program helps parents identify the right starting point for their child and provides a clear, step-by-step approach to making real progress.