How Is Picky Eating Related to Autism?

Season #2

In today's episode, we're diving into the fascinating and important topic of the connection between picky eating and autism. While having a picky eater doesn't necessarily mean your child has autism, many children on the autism spectrum tend to be very selective eaters. We'll explore the underlying reasons for this connection, focusing on two primary factors: oral motor issues and sensory processing challenges.

Join me, Christine Miroddi Yoder, as I share insights on how these factors affect children's eating habits and what parents can do to help their kids develop a healthy relationship with food. If you're new to my work, I specialize in guiding parents on ways to encourage their children to not just tolerate mealtime, but to actually enjoy and be curious about food.

To get started, take our quick quiz at to learn more about your child's specific picky eating profile and discover targeted strategies to help them move forward.

In this episode, we'll cover:

  • The impact of low muscle tone on oral motor skills and how it affects chewing and swallowing.
  • The role of sensory processing issues in picky eating, including over- and under-sensitivity to various stimuli.
  • The importance of understanding your child's unique oral motor and sensory profiles to develop effective strategies for overcoming picky eating.
  • The holistic approach to improving gut health, removing toxins, and adding essential nutrients, particularly for children on the autism spectrum.

If you're struggling with getting your child to eat a varied diet, check out our Picky Eaters Plate program. It provides personalized analysis, a roadmap for nutrient intake, and strategies to boost nutrition in foods your child is already comfortable with.

Tune in for a comprehensive discussion on how to help your child overcome picky eating and thrive. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send a DM on instagram. Don't forget to join us next week when we discuss whether picky eating can be prevented.

Thank you for listening, and have a great week!