What Is The Gap Period? Is Your Child In One?

Season #2

In this episode, we delve into the "gap period" in picky eating, which spans from the initial recognition of a child's selective eating to the successful introduction of new, nutritious foods into their diet. This period's duration and complexity can vary significantly depending on a child’s individual eating profile.

We discuss effective strategies that parents can employ, such as enriching familiar foods with nutritious ingredients and gradually introducing new items with positive reinforcement. We also introduce our new course, "The Picky Eater’s Plate: Make Every Bite Count," designed to equip parents with a comprehensive toolkit to address picky eating challenges tailored to their child's specific needs.

Don't miss our free webinar for a sneak peek at the course, and also be sure to take the free quiz at the bottom to see how diverse your child's diet is! You will gain practical strategies, and a free gift for participants!


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