Parent Course 


From $268

or $760 Pay in Full (Save $45)

Ideal for therapists and professionals who don't need 1:1 guidance, but want to learn the content of how to remediate a picky eater from start to finish. This is the most economical option, since it does not come with any 1:1 help or guidance. 


From $187

or $1985 Pay in full (Save 509)

Our most popular option! This gives you all the course materials you need to successfully move from picky to foodie! It comes with our 1:1 help and guidance that you can use to help assess what's going on, and then 3 1:1 sessions if you get stuck along the way. For a limited time, we are offering 3 ways to pay to make this affordable to everyone!


From $1,011

or $3,745 Pay In Full (Save $549)

This is great for those who want a lot of 1:1 help and guidance. We really hold your hand and help you through each module, making sure you stay on track! This includes incredible bonuses like access to the Safe and Sound Protocol for 8 months, unlimited Email support for 8 months, and the 7 Plating Strategies Mini course!

FAQ's About The Program

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Click on the form below to ask your question and we will get back to you with the answer as soon as we can!

100% Money Back Guarantee

I am confident that you’ll love this course and this investment will change not just your life, but your child's life. But I totally understand if you’re feeling uncertain. You can rest assured that I have an iron-clad guarantee that makes this a 100% no-risk choice.

If, after seven day you decide that it’s not for you, I’ll refund 100% of your course – no questions asked, no hard feelings, nothing but well wishes. 

That’s how confident I am in the quality we provide and the value you receive through this program! Just our evaluation alone will give you clarity and information that is usually life changing to most. 

I want you to feel amazing about making this investment in your child and their health. So if you try it out and it isn’t for you, then nothing lost.