$450.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Picky Plate to Clean Slate has a 7-day money back guarantee. If you work through the first few lessons of this course and are not completely satisfied, we will refund your money. Refunds must be requested in writing within this refund period. Please note that once the assessment has been ordered, you have moved past the pre-work, or a 1:1 session provided, no refunds can be given.

By checking the box, you agree that you are responsible for the full purchase, including all payments.

Further, the intellectual property of this course belongs to Foodology Feeding. Any copying of content, materials, videos and posting or using them anywhere is prohibited. 

Picky Plate to Clean Slate Payment Plan 6 Payments

🌟 Register for Picky Plate to Clean Slate parent course today 🌟

So you can start enjoying meals with your family 🍽 😋

What you'll get:

  • A 1:1 virtual meeting up to 2 hours to discuss history and all past and present feeding issues ($550 value)
  • A personalized roadmap to help guide you on where to focus your energy and time ($250 value)
  • Seven, 1:1, 30 minute calls to help you troubleshoot 
  • Your own personal Feeding Coach with unlimited email access to them for 8 months ($1,066 value) 
  • Lifetime access to the course! Come back and refresh your memory whenever you want with as many children as you want!
  • Go at your own pace, when you have the time! No scheduling, driving to appointments. 
  • Picky Eater Subliminal Audio 
  • All worksheets and journal prompts

100% Money Back Guarantee

I am confident that you’ll love this course and this investment will change not just your life, but your child's life. But I totally understand if you’re feeling uncertain. You can rest assured that I have an iron-clad guarantee that makes this a 100% no-risk choice.

If, after 7 days you decide that it’s not for you, I’ll refund 100% of your tuition – no questions asked, no hard feelings, nothing but well wishes.

That’s how confident I am in the quality we provide and the value you receive through this program! Just our evaluation alone will give you clarity and information that is usually life changing to most.

I want you to feel amazing about making this investment in your child and their health. So if you try it out and it isn’t for you, then nothing lost.